Thursday, May 28, 2009

LeaPs Assistant Secretary of Archives

Just like any other school day, I walked into my Mathematical Analysis 1 (also called Math 21) subject. As I was about to sit on my chair, my block-mate, Irwin Amago, handed me a letter. He amusingly threatened me that the letter was a letter for suspension. Well, hardly was I affected. Then, I read the letter. It was a letter requesting me to take over as the Assistant Secretary of Archives of the League of Physicists (LeaPs).

LeaPs is the home organization of Physics Majors in the Ateneo. I joined the organization during the annual Recruitment Week for all Ateneo organizations last June. The organization fulfilled my expectations that it will change the face of Physics as a boring and difficult subject by fostering a home where all of us can simply enjoy the company of Physics. We, as an org (short for organization), would occasionally meet to form amusing fun-filled Physics activities, like our Real-Physics-Game (RPG),
for other students of the Ateneo. During our first general assembly, we actually held a mini-RPG. In this game, students race through a chain of challenges that require Physics wit to trounce.

Physics has always been portrayed as a field of applied mathematics wherein one solves endless Math problems that all seem vague and one analyzes a certain phenomenon profoundly that barely anyone would understand. Activities held by LeaPs aims to change this view of Physics. For example, through the RPG, the image of Physics that one requires complex mathematics to solve problems is altered to form a new image portraying that Physics can be found in one's everyday life. From requiring Integrals or graphs, its image is altered to fit that which displays it only requiring common sense. Consequently, Physics' purpose for everyday life is exhibited.

Engaging in such activities excited me in trying to always attend the different activities of the organization. Of course, the officers of the org were pleased.Then came the elections for the organizations new officers. Aside from being a freshman, being too busy with my studies certainly discourages me from engaging in extra-curricular activities that would require a portion of my study time. So, of course, I did not bother running or even thinking about running for an office. In fact, only a few ran for the different offices that not all had any candidates. To address this, after the new officers were inducted, they had to invite some of the organization's members to be an officer. Probably almost always being present in the activities urged them to invite me into being the Assistant Secretary of Archives. Obviously, my constant attendance was not related to the job description. When I read the letter, I initially wanted to deny it. Well, the decision of denying it stayed with me for about 5 minutes? Then I decided to accept it. I knew it would be a great experience. Besides, it is not everyday that anyone gets simply invited in being an officer. In a way, this leadership experience is free considering that others had to work for it by running for it.

Indeed, I did not regret it. So far, I have already gained a lot of experience
being only in my second month as LeaPs Assistant Secretary of Archives. (I'll have separate blogs for the different activities)


Sunday, May 24, 2009

2009 Eastern Conference Finals

Charles Barkely favors the Orlando Magic over the Cleveland Cavaliers. Reviewing the player match-ups of this series, I certainly agree with the Olympic Gold Medalist.

Cleveland swept the Pistons, my old time favorite. They soared higher than the brute strengthened Hawks. Certainly an unbelievable feat by the Cavaliers considering their overrated roster. I admit that I was deceived by their win-column.

Cleveland's sweep of the Pistons was not really a surprise to me. The Pistons became a whole new different team immediately after losing Billups. I expected something new to the team after Iverson joined them. Unfortunately, that "something new" to me was not going to be good. And indeed, the Pistons' season and playoff performance fulfilled my expectations. They will certainly be busy this Offseason.

Cleveland's sweep of the Hawks was, as I said, unbelievable. I did expect the Cavaliers to defeat them. But never did I expect them to sweep the battle-tested Hawks. To me, only teamwork could accomplish this amazing feat. One-on-one plays would destroy the Cavs when facing the long, athletic and powerful bodies of the Hawks. Furthermore, a frontline of Bibby and Johnson poses outside threats to their opponents. In the inside, I still consider the Cavaliers a very finesse team compared to the Hawks whose toughness is well demonstrated by numerous "extra-curricular" activities against the Celtics and the Heat. Considering all of these, the Cavaliers were nothing short of amazing. I could not imagine them matching the toughness of the Hawks in the paint especially hardly triggering "extra-curricular" activities throughout their series. Also, their small frontline of West and Williams stood firm against Bibby and Johnson. Furthermore, James remained relentless against the numerous switches by the Hawks and tenacious defense of Smith.

Now, they face the Orlando Magic. Again, I agree, considering the match-ups, to Charles Barkely's opinon. But if teamwork really wins championships, I trust the better teamwork between both squads will earn the trip to the NBA Finals. Bottomline, LeBron should get the rest of the team going offensively to match the balanced offense of the Magic. As for the Magic, they should learn to win without the arc. Low-post match-ups with Lewis and Turkoglu and Howard's brute strength in the paint should primarily be utilized. Otherwise, we could see a team similar to the 2006-2007 Warriors. They defeated the Mavericks with their unstoppable three-point shooting but hardly stood a chance in the next round against the Jazz. Always shooting 25-footers will wear you down.

Unfortunately for Cavalier fans, Charles Barkely sides with your team's current opponent, the Orlando Magic. Fortunately, the Cavs are facing them because, in my opinion, if they do defeat the Magic, their self-confidence and their chances to win in the Finals will increase irregardless of who they will face.

Think about a knight defeating a wizard then facing Nuggets?? and Lakers?? :D


First Summer Term in the Ateneo

My first summer term in the Ateneo has served its purpose. It kept me busy during the summer consequently, giving me a productive summer.

During this term, I had my first encounter with the field of Psychology. Before the start of summer term, my mother actually gave me an introduction to this field. Her introduction seemed really diminutive. However, I was surprised to realize that, her introduction was enough to serve as a preview and a review to the course. "Psychology will help you know yourself better".

In the course, we were required to submit a scrap book about ourselves.
The project aimed to record our own personal growth specifically on a psychological perspective. Questions were given to help facilitate the development of the project. Creativity was highly required because, in a way, probably aside from the element of organization, it served as a basis for the identification of procrastination. In fact, days before the deadline, our teacher emphasized to us that she was once a student and that she knew the so-called art of procrastination a.k.a. cramming. She warned us that cramming could certainly fail us. By this she meant that once she identified our project as a product of procrastination, she would automatically fail us in the project. However despite her warnings, cramming my project never discouraged me from giving it my best. Besides, I never intended to cram it. Our LeaPs Planning Seminar did not go as scheduled. We arrived Sunday evening contrary to the planned arrival of noon. Nevertheless, I finished my project.

While cramming my project, I obviously could not explore my development through my writings. However, after finally passing it and finally recuperating on my lack of sleep, I finally meditated on the compositions in my project. Indeed, I succeeded in knowing myself better.

Animes began my interest in Japan and eventually its language, Nihonggo. During the summer term, for my Foreign Language, I chose to study Nihonggo or JSP 1. Aside from memorizing the many translations, the Hiragana and Katakana alphabet and Kanji symbols, Nihonggo is not difficult. If you are comfortable with memorization, Nihonggo would not be much of a problem. The grammar is claimed to be relatively easy compared to other languages. Furthermore, there are no required pronouncations when speaking. My blockmate, who is also taking JSP 1, and I even think that Nihonggo is a pa-cute language. In fact, my teacher, in a way, supported our claim when she told us that japanese women must speak with a squeaky tone to sound well. Nevertheless, I am still determined to know Nihonggo better. I plan to constantly keep myself exposed to it.

Aside from school, I myself made my summer productive. I was constantly raising myself to be a better friend, son, brother, student and man. I always pondered on the many ways by which I could further improve myself.

Fitting it is to unintentionally reunite myself after the term with Nelson Mandela's quote that was also featured in a favorite movie of mine, "Coach Carter". Tweaking the quote a bit...

"Nothing is more important to me than letting my own light shine, shine brighter, to liberate me from my fears and more importantly, to liberate others."
